Receive words of inspiration, faith, and encouragement with Dr. Walter M. Brown, Jr.'s "40 Day Devotionals".

The following 40-day devotionals are special to me! They were written during a particularly difficult time in my life – failure to select for promotion! I was the command chaplain onboard the Aircraft Carrier, USS JFK CV-67, responsible for religious care of 5,000 personnel during a six month Mediterranean deployment. Rather than sulk, I began to see God in all the ship’s day-to-day activities. These devotionals are those “see God” events juxtaposed against scripture.
Persons in or connected to the military will easily understand the language, events, and work spaces! for extra details about mobile-casino spiele. Those who are not in the military can appreciate the presented principles that relate to situations we all face during the daily grind of life.
Finally, for those with relatives and friends serving in the sea services; at the very least, you get glimpse of what life is like underway! The artwork is exemplary, the audio professionally presented, and the content scripturally-based! Look! Listen! Read! Enjoy!
Rev. Dr. Walter M. Brown, Jr.