Kingdom Minded Association of Churches Workshops
Applied Suicide Intervention
KMAC offers ASIST training workshops. Discover details with regards to mobile casino spiele. ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide intervention skills.
Discovery Personality Profile
KMAC offers the DISCovery Personality Profile by one of our trained and certified instructors.
MBTI Training
A popular training tool for professional development and organization improvement.
safeTALK Suicide Intervention
KMAC offer safeTALK workshops. The training is a half-day interactive training in suicide alertness.
Family Wellness
We assist families in achieving and maintaining spiritual health and wholeness through a certified Family Wellness trainer on our staff.
Leading at the Speed of Trust
A two-day workshop that raises trust from an often-ignored asset or liability to a strategic advantage in the marketplace.
PREP 8.0
PREP 8.0 is a new curriculum from PREP designed to help couples achieve their goals in relationships, family, and marriage.